Yasmine joined Albion Chambers as a tenant in November 2017 after the successful completion of her third six pupillage. Prior to joining Chambers, Yasmine completed her pupillage in a specialist family set in South Wales. She practises in all areas of family work.
After completing the BPTC course in 2015, Yasmine worked as a paralegal in the NHS department at Hugh James law firm in Cardiff. Following this, Yasmine was selected for a three-month internship at Tilleke Gibbons in Bangkok and worked in all areas of intellectual property law disputes. On her arrival back in the UK, Yasmine continued to utilise her advocacy skills and worked as a County Court Advocate, which included regularly appearing in civil matters across Wales and the South West. She did this alongside volunteering on a weekly basis at the Personal Support Unit in Cardiff Civil justice Centre and supporting and assisting litigants in persons in family and debt disputes.
Yasmine is licensed to accept work under the Public Access scheme.
Family law
Yasmine undertakes all levels of family work in both the private and public law sectors. She regularly appears on behalf of private clients in disputes over contact, residence, schooling and domestic abuse. In addition, she regularly acts in non-molestation order and occupation order disputes. Her public law practice is flourishing and includes appearing on behalf of local authorities, parents and Children’s Guardians. Yasmine has developed a strong practice in child law and takes a no-nonsense approach to family disputes, assisting parties to enable them to move forwards.
- T v W [2017] Yasmine successfully argued against a residence application made by the applicant mother where safeguarding issues had been raised in respect of Class A drug and alcohol usage. A drug test confirmed the respondent father had tested positively for Class A drug use. Despite this, Yasmine successfully argued that the child was best placed in the care of the respondent father, contrary to the views of the social worker. The hearing and evidence by the parties unearthed malpractice by the local authority and was referred to the Designated Family Judge for further investigation.
- SGC v F & F [Re R] [2017] Yasmine successfully represented the Local Authority and obtained an interim care order in respect of a 16-year old who was beyond parental control. Yasmine successfully argued against the Guardian and the second respondent father who opposed the interim care order.
- WCC v W [Re M] [2017] Yasmine successfully represented the child in opposing the Local Authority’s application for a recovery order to return the child back to a residential unit they had been staying in. Yasmine had to depart from the Guardian’s view in the case who supported the child being placed back in the residential unit. A recovery order was granted, but the child was placed into foster care.
Court of Protection
Yasmine undertakes work in the Court of Protection. Following on from cultivating a busy care practice, Yasmine has specific interest in cases which traverse both care proceedings and Court of Protection, especially cases which involve the Mental Capacity Act. She covers a broad range of areas under the Mental Capacity Act, with an emphasis on health and welfare issues.
These include:
- Personal welfare applications;
- Serious medical treatment applications;
- Section 21A applications challenging authorisations of deprivation of liberty in a care home or hospital under the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS);
- Emergency applications;
- Advising on local authority safeguarding duties and on the community care law issues arising in Court of Protection cases;
- Contested applications for the appointment of deputies (welfare/financial affairs), and other property and affairs applications;
- Proceedings concerning 16- and 17-year olds, and the overlapping jurisdictions of the Court of Protection and Children Act 1989.