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  • Quality Assurance Statement

    Expertise, Experience, Reassurance

    We are a forward-looking, approachable chambers whose integrity and traditions continue to ensure the highest standards of conduct. We are committed, through our efficiency and professionalism, to providing excellence in advocacy, advice and administration.

  • Availability & contact

    Our clerks’ room is staffed from 08:30-18:00 Monday to Thursday and 08:30-17:30 on Friday. Chambers’ switchboard offers an out-of-hours option and other telephone numbers are available on request.

    All members, pupils and our administration team are contactable by direct email. Please view members’ profiles and the administration team page for further information.

    All members of the administration team have direct-dial phones with voicemail.

  • Instructions

    Members of Albion Chambers accept instructions from all solicitors and agencies as permitted by the Bar Council’s Code of Conduct.

    Whilst we will accept hard copies, we encourage all case papers to be delivered in electronic format. All papers must please be submitted via Chambers administration rather than being sent to the barrister direct.

    Some of our barristers accept instructions under the Public Access Scheme. We will not accept any instructions that breach the Bar Code of Conduct or Equality Code.

  • Receipt of papers

    All briefs, instructions and supplementary papers are logged on to the chambers’ Meridian Law system and forwarded to the relevant barrister as quickly as practicably possible.

    All briefs and instructions are acknowledged in writing.

    A Conflict-of-Interest check is made on all cases.

  • Hearings & conferences

    All hearings and conferences will be acknowledged in writing.

    The clerks will keep instructing solicitors informed of any changes of circumstances that may affect a booking.

    We aim to minimise any changes of representation. When a change is necessary the clerks will give as much advance notice as possible and make every effort to provide suitable alternative counsel.

    While many conferences take place in chambers we are always prepared to conduct meetings remotely and travel to other venues as required.

  • Fees & billing

    We accept instructions from both privately- and publicly-funded clients and cases that are union and insurance backed.

    Where appropriate, we undertake work on a Conditional Fee basis subject to the signing of contracts. A copy of our standard agreement is available on request.

    We aim to bill within two days of work being completed in matters where fees have been agreed in advance. In all other matters we aim to submit bills within one week of the completion of a case.

    Fees for publicly-funded work will be billed at the relevant rates in accordance with current guidelines.

    In billing privately-funded matters we take into account various factors including; experience of counsel, complexity and length of involvement in the case. Our clerks are always happy to discuss charge-out rates and fees, and to provide estimates.

  • Confidentiality & conflict

    Albion Chambers is often instructed to act on multiple sides of cases.

    When receiving new instructions we will always carry out conflict checks to guard against a barrister accepting instructions when he/she may have previously acted for another party in the proceedings.

    We operate a ‘Chinese Walls’ system to maintain client confidentiality.

  • Terms of business

    Our terms of business can be found in The Standard Contractual Terms for the Supply of Legal Services by Barristers to Authorised Persons – as referred to in [Rule rC30.9c] of the BSB Handbook, as amended from time to time (“the Standard Contractual Terms”).”

  • Feedback

    We welcome feedback from our clients on all aspects of Chambers’ services and are committed to a continual improvement.

    We conduct regular Quality Assurance Surveys and implement appropriate changes in our policies and procedures where necessary and appropriate as a result of feedback received.

    Please use our feedback form to pass on any comments to our Chambers Director, Nick Jeanes.

  • Complaints

    The members of Chambers, clerks and other members of the administration team at Albion Chambers take great pride in offering high levels of service to our clients.

    However we recognise that unexpected problems can sometimes arise. Any complaints or concerns about our services should be addressed to the Chambers Director, Nick Jeanes. Your complaint will be fully investigated in accordance with our Complaints Procedure. Complaints may, at any time, be referred to the Legal Services Ombudsman. Download a copy of our Complaints Policy and Procedure, and for the contact details of the Ombudsman.

  • Equality, diversity & inclusion

    Albion Chambers operates an equal opportunities and non-discrimination diversity policy.

    We are committed to ensuring that individuals or groups are not treated more or less favourably on the grounds of their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political persuasion, age or disability whether they be existing or potential clients, employees, members, pupils or providers of services to chambers.

    We abide by the guidelines of the Bar Council’s Equality Code for the Bar, and are proud to be an equal opportunities employer.

    For further information regarding our Equal Opportunities policy please contact Fiona Elder our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer or 0117 927 2144.

  • Assistance from you

    “More information is better than less”

    Your assistance can help us to improve our services. In order for counsel to provide the best possible advice and representation it is important that time is given for preparation. We ask that all briefs and instructions are delivered at the earliest possible stage, but in any event not less than two days before any hearing. It is important that our diaries reflect the current status of all cases; please notify us as early as possible when cases settle, are likely to be adjourned or will not require counsel’s attendance.