Sarah Regan successfully prosecuted Nigel Wilkinson who was convicted in 2016 of offences of rape and administering a substance with intent to rape in respect of three men. Following extensive press coverage, he was arrested and charged with offences in relation to a further seven men. On 18 December 2018, a jury returned verdicts convicting him of the rape and administering of a substance with intent to engage in sexual activity in respect of another male as well as administering a substance with intent in relation to a further four men and a number of offences of voyeurism.
Wilkinson used the façade of his fitness photography business to lure men from all over the country to his home. Once there he would photograph them, often asking to take implied nude shots for himself, only to go on to take photographs that the men did not consent to.
As part of his business, he had a number of social media sites to which he would upload images of the men he had photographed. Instagram and Facebook closed his accounts following his conviction in 2016. However, Twitter refused to close or take down his Twitter site, despite photographs of a number of the victims being displayed on that site. Following his conviction in 2018 the judge ordered the closure of the Twitter account. Click here to read more.